Market Control

BLANC is a digital wholesale platform that helps you sell globally, with the Markets feature you can manage which collections and price lists should be available for buyers in different countries.

There are two main settings available to better control how our brand will work in different markets:

  • Countries you don't sell to: this is a block list, which means that if the buyer's location is in the selected countries he won't be able to navigate through your collections and place orders.

  • Markets: this feature enables you to select if buyers from specific countries can access specific collections and price lists or all of them. Buyers that aren't on the "countries you don't sell" list or in specific market settings will be managed at the fixed option "Rest of the World".

Understand how "countries you don't sell to" works

With this option, you can set a list of countries where your brand, collections and products are completely blocked. This means that if a buyer from one of these countries logs into the platform he will never see your brand and won't be able to buy your products.

This is very useful when you have some commercial restrictions, for example, some local regulation that doesn't allow you to sell your products or even a local partner with exclusivity.

To add a country to this list, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. On the main menu choose Settings then Markets.
  3. On the section "Countries you don't sell to" click on Manage.
  4. Now you can add or remove countries.

Understand how "Markets" works

In the Markets section, you can choose which collections and price lists will be available for buyers based on their locations. A market is a group of countries, for example, you can create a market called "Europe", add all European countries you work with and enable Landed Prices in Euros.

To create a new market, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. On the main menu choose Settings then Markets.
  3. In the Markets section, click on "New market".
  4. Add a name to identify this market and click on Create.

Managing price lists per market:

In the "Price lists" section, you have two options:

  • Enable all price lists: buyers from this market can see and buy all price lists available in your collections.
  • Choose which price lists buyers can see: with this option, you need to choose which price lists buyers from this market can see and buy.

Managing collections per market:

In the "Collections" section, you have two options:

  • Enable all collections: buyers from this market can see and buy all your active collections.
  • Choose which collections buyers can see: with this option, you need to choose which collections buyers from this market can see and buy.

Managing countries in a market:

In the "Countries" section, you can add or remove countries from a Market. To add a country to a market just click on the active toggle. To remove it, just disable using the same toggle.

Remember that a country can't be in more than one market.

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